Monday, December 5, 2011

Wk3 Day6 -Taylor

Well I did my first day of INSANITY today!!! It was the "fit test" and it was CRAZY!!!! But I loved it!  The fit test was only 25 minutes and I burned 375 calories!!!  So I'm excited to see how tomorrow's workout goes! 

My eating was great today.  My breakfast, snack, and lunch came to about 550 calories!  Then after school I wanted to have some of my homemade cookies I made yesterday.  So I had 2 (I usually and 3+) with one cup of skim milk.  Well I felt good about it until I entered it into  Guess how many calories those 2 stupid cookies and cup of milk was!!?? 450 CALORIES!!!  So that "small" snack was almost as many calories as my entire day so far! UGH!  So I made my husband eat the rest of the cookies (and dough) so it wouldn't be a temptation anymore!  I finished the day with a salad and pulled pork.  I was still under my calorie goal but I was stunned at the amount of calories those cookies had!

Well I have one more day until Weigh In Wednesday!  My goal is -2lbs but I'm not gonna lie I'm not feeling too confident!  Oh well I'll just do my best and be happy with the results!  Happy Monday!


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