Sunday, December 11, 2011

Find of the Century -Taylor

Howdy! So I've completed my first full week of Insanity!!!  Today is my "rest" day and it feels weird to not workout (maybe I'll take a walk/jog later on today).  So far I LOVE it!  There are a few things I still can't do (like a freakin pushup!) but for the most part I get thru the videos pretty well!  It's a 60 day program and my goal is to finish the whole thing!  Seven days down 53 to go! lol.

Now for the "find of the century"!  I actually discovered this from one of my students.  They are called Veggie Straws and Apple Straws!!!! 

Each of these bags has a serving size of 38 straws for 130 calories, which is WAY too much! I usually have half of that so I have 19 straws for only 65 calories.  The veggies straws are salty and totally take the place of a chip or french fry!!! The Apple straws are coated in cinnamon and sugar and remind me of Taco Bell's Cinnamon Twists!  YUMMMM!  You should deffinately give these a try!!!


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