Sunday, May 29, 2011

My Goals-Brooke

So first off, I'm really, really excited to be starting this blog and more importantly starting to work out and eat healthy. I have been at this "starting Monday" phase of an exercise/diet plan way too many times. But I know this time it's going to be different. "Why would it be different?" you might ask.

Well, I'll tell ya;

I have 3 kids now. To some that would seem like even more reason to throw in the towel but it's actually going to be my secret weapon. When I was younger and had a bit more time I would always say I'll exercise later. But right now in my life there is no time for later. It's now or never. Or in reality, nap time. These babies have helped me to really choose between better and best.

I also feel very prepared. I have been planning, setting goals, and really thinking about what I want to do. Also my fridge is stocked and my meals are planned.

I have support. My husband will be eating healthy and exercising. I have a running partner who also wants to get healthier and this blog with Taylor. And anyone reading this.

So with my very strict schedule, preparing myself, and lots of support I am sure I can accomplish my goals.

My goals are:

  • run every morning
  • gym every afternoon
  • eat small meals frequently throughout the day

When I reach my goals of course I will reward myself. Every week I will be rewarded if I accomplish all my daily goals with something that I have decided on the week previous. These are a few things I'm thinking of for my rewards (I love rewards!):

I also really want to take a class from Scrapbook Ect. Maybe this one.

Anyways... I think my first reward will be a real date with my husband; 
going to a movie and walking around Half Priced Books or Bookmans and getting a good book. 

OK! This is my plan and I'm sticking to it! 



Too Legit to Quit! said...

Dang girl your fridge looks GREAT!!!! I'm shoppin Monday morning to stock up!! Good luck!

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