Monday, February 6, 2012

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words! -Taylor

Sorry for the CRAPPY cell phone pict but do me a favor and look at the bottom left hand box....see that number......the one that says 3.20........yeah.......THAT'S HOW MANY MILES I RAN TODAY!  Holy freakin crap! I did it.  I officially ran my first 5k and get this....I DIDN'T walk!  Obviously, with a time of 45 minutes I was shuffling running pretty slow but it was a run NOT a walk!  I felt great and it wasn't until the 2.5ish mile that my shins started acting up but once I got home I stretched, applied a bottle's worth some Icy Hott, and IBprofin and I'm feeling pretty good!!!   A BIG shout-out to Leslie for sticking with me through all 16,404.2 feet!  My stats for the day:
Time- 45:21 Miles- 3.2 Best Pace- 10:29!!Calories- 422
Total February Miles: 9.2
Total 2012 Miles: 13.7


Brooke R. Harper said...

You did it!!! Awesome! Now we just need to get a little faster. And for me get to the point where I don't feel like I'm going to die at the end of the run.

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