Thursday, February 23, 2012

Day 1

Today I woke up 5 minutes before my alarm clock went off at 5:30. At first I was scared someone had woken me up and was in the house and going to murder me. But then I realized it was just my body telling me, "you really, really, really need to go for a run." 

I cleaned the house a little and put the blender in the dishwasher. A little before 7 it started to get light outside so I "jumped" in my car and drove down the road to my parents house. I walked the quarter mile(?) warm up to the canal, stretched and started down the canal at a very slow jog.

I started thinking about this canal. 

I started running with my dad when I was 13 right on this very track. Before there were houses us kids (Ashley, Chase and me) would follow my dad while he ran on our quad and jump off and take turns running with him. I'm 23 now. That 10 years of running on that canal.

Running makes me nostalgic. 
I bet I could write a book in a month if I wrote while I ran.

Anyways, lots of thoughts came to me this morning while I ran to Cooper and back. 

When I got home I made this little beast:

frozen strawberries, blueberries, banana, flaxseed, protein powder, kale, spinach, Amazon OJ (haha it's just oj with acai berry), and almond milk. Blend up well.

Here's to a great day!


I just finished my upper body workout. I use dumbbells. I'm tired!  

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


So today I did most of the chest and arms p90x workout.

 I really need to figure out a better way to keep Graham occupied. He wouldn't leave me alone and I'm already looking for an excuse to turn the darn tv off.  So when he says, "mom I peed on the floor" I couldn't hit the off button quick enough. Then the babies woke up crying....and everything else got in the way. So I did about 45 minutes of it.

I ran a mile also. It was supposed to be 2. But a mile is still great. It was during nap time so no one was buggin' me. I didn't finish all on my own.

I'm obsessed with the Biggest Loser. Obsessed. It gives me so much motivation! Tonight one of the trainers said something about working out for 3 hours and I was like, "no way!"but...I could do that. If I worked out for an hour and a half before the kids woke up then an hour and a half during nap time. Or 1 hour in the morning, 1 hour during nap time and 1 hour after the kids go to bed for the night. I make all these excuses but really it's all about what you want the most.

I can do this.

Hope you had a great day!


Monday, February 6, 2012

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words! -Taylor

Sorry for the CRAPPY cell phone pict but do me a favor and look at the bottom left hand box....see that number......the one that says 3.20........yeah.......THAT'S HOW MANY MILES I RAN TODAY!  Holy freakin crap! I did it.  I officially ran my first 5k and get this....I DIDN'T walk!  Obviously, with a time of 45 minutes I was shuffling running pretty slow but it was a run NOT a walk!  I felt great and it wasn't until the 2.5ish mile that my shins started acting up but once I got home I stretched, applied a bottle's worth some Icy Hott, and IBprofin and I'm feeling pretty good!!!   A BIG shout-out to Leslie for sticking with me through all 16,404.2 feet!  My stats for the day:
Time- 45:21 Miles- 3.2 Best Pace- 10:29!!Calories- 422
Total February Miles: 9.2
Total 2012 Miles: 13.7

race time-Brooke

I have been doing pretty good.
 I started doing the P90x work outs last week and they are amazing. So, so hard. 

Last week I also decided to start training for a 5k. This was a pretty humbling experience for me. I have always had to in my head that 4 miles is a real run. Growing up I used to run on the canal and I would run 2 miles out then the 2 miles back making 4 miles a pretty consistant run for me. And If I didn't do the 4 miles I felt like I wasn't reaching my goal. 

So to train for a 3.1 mile race I just felt pathetic. 

But I have had to change my mindset.

Last week I ran a 5k and it was so hard! I really couldn't train for anything more then that right now. I'm excited to get back into running so I need to start with this 5k and celebrate that. 

The race is the beginning for March. My goal for the race is to run it 35 minutes. 


Saturday, February 4, 2012

Long Run and a Sweet Treat! -Taylor

Woke up this morning excited to go somewhere new for my "long run" of 2 miles! So I laced up my shoes, straped on my garmin, and plugged in my ipod!  I drove down to the local highschool track.  I was hoping that the "bouncy" track would be a little less stressful on my POOR SHINS!!!!!  Ok seriously, I've played sports my ENTIRE life but I have never experienced shin splints like I have this last week!  ugh!  So I met my trusty running buddy, Leslie.  After a fun lil photo shoot...we did one warm-up lap and then started our journey to 2 miles. 
I've come to the conclusion that the first 1/2 miles SUCKS!!!!  Every time I start running I HATE it!!!  My body hurts, my lungs burn, and I always hate the music I pick.  But then the moment I hit .51 miles it all goes away!  Once I pass that half mile point I find my stride.  So I need to remind myself that if I can just get past that first half mile, I'll be smooth sailing!

So I feel like I need to say something b/4 I keep typing!  So...I want to let you know that I am SO PROUD of myself!  I really am!  I can't believe that I can run a whole mile straight not to mention 2.5 miles!  So, with that being said I was so DISAPPOINTED with todays run!  Once I got past the dreaded first half mile I was doing great!  At one point my pace was an 11 minute mile (my longest was 15 min)!!!!  I had determined that I was gonna do it! I was going to keep going the entire 3.2 miles (5k)!  So I was feelin like a million bucks until I hit the 2 mile mark and then it happened.....some kind of force came up from the depths of Hell and sunk it's devilish teeth right into my shins!!!!!!!!  They were on FIRE!  It came from out of nowhere!  Everytime I took a step the pain shot from my ankle up to my knee!  I was able to go another half mile (2.5 total) but had to stop!  UGH! I was soooo bummed!  My breathing was great, my body felt great, and I was on a kick butt song.  I felt like I could have gone forever EXCEPT for those dang shins!  This is disapointed me with my new best friend; ICY HOTT!

(Total time: 38:37   2.53miles    352calories)
I think Leslie could see how disapointed I was so she asked if I wanted to go back to her house for the tastiest protein shake on EARTH!  Of course I accepted her offer!  Oh and it was PURE BLISS!  It was whey protein, peanut butter, and mixed frozen fruit!  Tasted exactly like a PEANUT BUTTER AND JELLY SANDWICH!  YUMMM! Thanks for raising my spirits Leslie!  Tomorrow is a much needed rest day and on Monday is a LONG run of 3.2 miles! That's right, I may not have won the battle today but I WILL win the war on Monday (Running War, that is)!  HAPPY TRAILS!
February Miles: 6
Total 2012 Miles: 10.5 

Friday, February 3, 2012

Progress!!! -Taylor

I LOVE this girl!
Leslie has been my "running" buddy this last week and she is the BEST motivator!!!!  When I'm whining how much my legs hurt and how much I want to walk she tells me to "suck it up, buttercup! Keep going!" 
So we set out today for our ONE MILER.  My goal was to be under 13:00 minutes (last Friday I ran one mile in 13:30)  I was SUPER excited to use my GARMIN for the first time!  I LOVE IT! 
We started strong but I have KILLER shin-splints right now!!! So I was hurtin' the first 1/2 mile but once I loosened up I felt myself get into a stride!  Our last little bit Leslie told me to sprint so....I sprinted!  I ended up finishing the mile in...........12:49!!!!!!!  Woohoo!!!!! I almost shaved a WHOLE minute off!  What a great feeling to set a goal and accomplish it!!  Tomorrow I'm meeting Leslie at the track for a 2 miler! 
Total February Miles: 3.5
Total 2012 Miles: 8
P.S. I wanted to thank everyone for the AMAZING comments!  Your positive words keep ME motivated! Love you all!!!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Christmas Came Early!!!! (....REALLY early) -Taylor

I seriously could have KISSED the UPS man today b/c he brought me this!!!!!!!!!!
(This is my SUPER excited face!)

A Garmin Forerunner 305!  This baby is a GPS that will track how many miles I run, what my pace is, calories burned, AND SO MUCH MORE (I just need to learn how to use it!)  One of my favorite bloggers "Slim Katie"  uses it and swears by it so I knew I had to order one!  Speaking of Katie, if you want some REAL motivation mosey on down to her blog!  This girl is AMAZING!!! I can't wait to stap this puppy on tomorrow for my 1 mile run!  See ya tomorrow! HAPPY TRAILS!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Going the Extra Mile (or Half Mile!) -Taylor

                                     I had a scheduled run of 2 miles today!
                                      (BEFORE, Yeah I was a little nervous!)

BUT I ended up going 2.5 miles instead!!!!! I did it in 33 minutes (which pretty much sucks), I walked for 5 of those minutes (in between mile 1 and 2).  
(AFTER 2.5 Miles!!!!)

My next run is going to be a "short" run of 1 mile on Friday but I'm going to concentrate on speed!  Last time I ran a mile in 13:30 (remember I'm a beginner and about 50lbs overweight!!! So YES that is super slow!)  My goal is to make it under 13 minutes!  Wish me luck!
Miles for February: 2.5
Total Miles for 2012: 7

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Just what I needed! -Taylor



Yesterday I hit a milestone!!!! I ran 2 MILES WITHOUT WALKING!!!!!!  HOLY CRAP!  I have never wanted to walk so bad in my life but I kept going and I am so sore today but it is sooo worth it!  Wow I am proud of myself!!!  I was blog stalking browsing this morning and came across this blog "Fat to Finishline" and read this INSPIRATIONAL post!!! This is exactly what I needed to keep me motivated. Please read it all! I LOVE IT!!!
Total Miles for January: 4.5 miles! (woohoo!) lol.

Dear new runner: An open letter

Dear new runner:

Congratulations on your decision to go on this uncomplicated yet complex journey of running. Lace up your sneakers and charge up your iPod, you're in for an exciting and challenging road ahead.

This is the letter that the runner I've become would've written to the "running hater" I once was.

Listen, I know it's hard at first.  That's why you rock. It's hard but you're gonna do it anyway. Others talk about it, but you're doing it. This already makes you a winner. You might have to walk/run, keep your distance short, take it slow and experiment with running on a treadmill/track or outside. In fact please concentrate on not over-doing it in the early days. The worst thing you can do is injure and burn yourself out. When in doubt, it couldn't hurt to 'under-do' it even. I'd rather you come back from a five minute run feeling energized, accomplished and excited to do it again than do a 25 minute run feeling miserable and defeated.

Go sign up for a race. Seriously. Don't let it freak you out. Pick a 5K for 3 months from now (sooner or later based on your fitness level) plunk down your money and sign up. Right now. Go. I will still be here. Don't think about it - just do it.

Found one? Good. Now tell everyone about it. Go post it on Facebook, Tweet it. This is your "official" start to your running life. Congrats. Start your "5K" training program. There are several out there.  You see, there's something about setting a definite goal that makes your running moving forward and it helps keeps you motivated, "I have to run today, I'm training." To this day, I need to have a race on the schedule to help keep me progressing.

As a beginner, you might feel a little soreness in your back, your muscles or even your knees and ankles. I did. A little soreness (especially if you're carrying excess weight) isn't unusual. Do not confuse soreness with injury.  Follow the R.I.C.E method and if you suspect injury, see a doc.

You should go to a running store as soon as you can and get proper running shoes. Please believe me that this is not the place to cheap out. I literally tried to run in Payless "running sneakers" and learned very quickly that this was a BAD IDEA. If you don't live near a running store - you can learn here how to figure out a good running sneaker for you.

Please don't compare yourself to other runners. I started by running at a 4.0 on the treadmill and would eye people that were flying at unfathomable speeds. This is your training. It will be your race. Your journey. You'll always be slower than someone else and right now you are faster than the guy on the couch on his second bag of Doritos!

Running can support your weight loss journey but running does not give you a license to eat. Focus on fueling yourself with healthy foods, don't over-do extra calories or you won't see a loss if that's what you are looking for.

The running community is AWESOME. Support is EVERYWHERE. Go online and look for running bloggers, follow runners on twitter, Join running communities at places like DailyMile and Runners World. Connect, ask questions and join the club.

You are a real runner! Whether it takes you 15 minutes to run that mile or 6 minutes - you are a runner. Don't "weight" to get out there - who cares if you're not the fastest in the pack. Don't think you have to wait to be 20 pounds less to run. You can do it.  Here's a very inspirational story of someone who started at 349 pounds - a guest post on "Runs With Cookies." (Slim Katie has a pretty inspiring story herself.)

As John Bingham says, Whether you are the first or last across a finish line, it's the same finish line!!  Get out there and be proud of you! You have to be your own biggest cheerleader. You are a rockstar. Believe it.

Finally, you might not love it today. You might not love it tomorrow but someday you're going to wake up and crave running. Your life will be changed. You will find fitness, what 'runners high' is all about, confidence and passion. You will find out that you can go further than you thought. You will learn that you're tougher than you ever gave yourself credit for. Your world's of "I cant's will change to I cans."

You will find the indescribable joy of setting goals and accomplishing them. The thrill of the finish line.

I'm so happy for you. Enjoy your journey and see you out there.
"Everyone is an athlete. But some of us are training, and some of us are not." -Dr. George Sheehan


(Here is her website! Check it out!  )

Monday, January 30, 2012

Making Time For YOU! -Taylor

I truly believe that the moment you said "I do" and then popped out some kids was the moment you gave up any "extra" time for yourself for the rest of you life!!!  As women, we are instilled with the "privilege" of loving so deeply that we will forget ourselves so we can care for others.  BUT, this "privilege" can at times be a curse for our health!  I would much rather go home and play with my kids or hang out with my husband than workout!  I would MUCH rather cook a yummy meal of spagetti and garlic bread with a big dessert than chicken breast with some veggies.  But sometimes you have to stop and think of YOU!  That can be a very hard concept for some, especially if you are a wife and mom.  So I got a text today asking me "how do you do it with a family!?"  Here is my response:

I am a working mom.  As much as I would LOVE to stay home with my babies, finacially I can't.  In a way I'm lucky b/c I have the opportunity to workout here in my classroom.  So everyday at 2:30 I put on my Insanity workout and for the next 45 minutes I sweat, kick, and punch the calories away.  Then when I get home I don't feel guilty for locking myself in a room while my kids are pounding at the door wondering what the heck I'm doing! 
I'm currently training for a 5K in March so when I get home I load my kiddos in the stroller and offer my hubby some kind of incentive (wink,wink) to come with me on a little jog!  Not only does this help me with my training BUT it also gets my kids fresh air and allows us to have family time!  Some of my most favorite memories are when Ty and I are pushing the kids in the stroller and enjoying each other's company.  Ty is in WAY better shape than me so I'll just jog and he'll walk right beside me! lol.  (yes that's how slow I go!)

Life will always happen and there will always be excuses but I don't give myself a choice!  Just like before you go to bed you wash your face and brush your teeth, WELL after school I workout!  I don't even allow myself to think otherwise, it's become a routine.  Not only that but when I workout I am SUCH a better mom and wife b/c I feel better about myself!  I'm NO expert but I am deffinately loving how I feel when I am making healthy choices.  SO I CHOOSE TO BE HEATLHY, I CHOOSE TO WORKOUT, AND I CHOOSE TO BE HAPPY!!!!!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

First Run -Taylor

Well I did my first run last night!  I wanted to start slow so I don't injure myself or remind myself how much I hate running!  So after mapping out how far a 5k (3.2mi) is with my car (it's sooooooo far! lol)  I started running.  Unfortunately I started running at night so it was pitch black and FREEZING!!!!  So I just ran 1/2 mile.  BUT I ran the whole time! Without stopping! and I did it in 5 minutes! haha.  Tyler's face was classic when I left the house at 6:11 and walked back in at 6:16!  He was worried I was hurt!  I said NOPE just too cold and too dark!  So I feel that for my first time running in YEARS a while I did pretty good!  So today I'll try again (this time during the day when it's light and warmer) and see how I do!!!  I'm excited about this journey!!! :)
I'm also going to keep track of how many miles I run during my training!
Total Miles: .5 Mi ! haha

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Holy Crap!!!! -Taylor

I've thought of it, I've dreamed of it, I've even dreaded it but the time has finally come.........................
I JUST REGISTERED FOR MY FIRST 5K!!!!!! What the heck am I thinking!  Im actually really excited for this!  It's a benefit run for a sweet little boy that lives here, here is his story So I figure I'm helping out this little guy and even if I have to walk a little at least I can say I did it!!!!  So I'm starting the "couch to 5k" program today! I'm hoping that between training and keeping up with Insanity that maybe, just MAYBE the scale will start moving!  But if it doesn't I will remind myself that what I'm doing is good for my body and I HAVE to keep it up!  The race is March 3rd which gives me about 5 1/2 weeks to "train"!  Wish me luck!  READY, SET,..........GO!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

4 Years! -Taylor

Yesterday was me and Tyler's 4 year anniversary!  We had a fun day of gifts (including Diamond earings!), yummy food, and a movie.  Yesterday was also the day I change my life....I'm done worrying, I'm done stressing, and I'm DONE beating myself up!  I truly feel like I am WAY too hard on myself and I think that when you are mentally unhealthy, you will be physically unhealthy!  So yesterday I was positive and reminded myself that I was a rockstar all day.  I found myself making better food choices and when I worked out (I'm starting up Insanity again) I worked harder!  I'm still doing weigh-ins but if I don't lose any weight, OH WELL!  All I can do is my best and I should be proud of that!  Life is too short to worry so much about dumb stuff that you can't change.  So here is to a new start, a new life, and a new body (and mind)!!!!  Happy Wednesday!!!
Here is Tyler and I at the movies!  (funny story about Tyler's we were in the movie theatre and I went to take a pict on my phone and I forgot the flash was on.  So when I took the pict, this SUPER BRIGHT light appeared and Tyler couldn't stop laughing. Then I started laughing which made the phone shake and it came out all blurry! lol.  So that is why he looks funky and the pict is blurry! haha)

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Brooke- 2 pounds!

I lost 2 pounds since Monday. I'm sure I didn't lose exactly 2 because I know weight fluctuates a lot but it's still a great feeling to see it on the scale!

I have been staying pretty close to 1200 calories a day. I also haven't been drinking a ton of soda. Today was my first one of the week.

I have been having a green smoothie for breakfast, a chicken salad for lunch. Then Monday night a made a healthy lasagna for dinner and last night I made stir fry with buckwheat noodles. Tonight I'm making whole wheat pizza.

Things are really good!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

A Tough Week & The Power of WATER! -Taylor

So obviously starting up a workout and nutrition plan (after being lazy resting the last 2 weeks) was not the smartest thing to do the week I:
-started working again
-sent my boys to a new daycare :(
-weened Logan from the binky (b/c the stupid daycare doesn't allow binky's) which means NO SLEEP!

I did have one BIG realization that I am actually super excited about!  (Now hear me out b/4 you think I'm crazy!)  The last 2 weeks I didn't diet or exercise and I became UNHEALTHY!  Seriously, here are some of the things I've notices in JUST TWO WEEKS!:

1-my clothes are soooo tight snug
2-I get winded doing...pretty much anything involving movement
3-I'm not sleeping well
5-Constipation...TMI-probably,Does anyone read this other than Brooke-probably not,Do I care-NOPE ;)
6-My knee (old injury) is flaring up

All this crap is happening and I'm super excited about it!  Ok maybe I should explain now...When I was eating healthy and exercising I didn't have ANY of these "symptoms". Which means even if the scale isn't showing much progress, my body IS responding to this healthy lifestyle!  It's nice to know that all the hard work was paying off (even if it wasn't showing on the scale). 
Since I'm back at work I drink soooo much more water than when I'm at home!  Most days I drink almost 64 oz (my daily goal) before lunch!  And just in the last 3 days that I've been back at work and drinking all this awesome water some of my "symptoms" are going away!  (The main one is # 5 but we won't go into that! ;) 
With this new found "hope" I must say I'm excited to really get back into a groove and get rid of all these symptoms for good!
Happy Hump Day!!!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

on the wagon!!! brooke

I'm doing so good!!!

This is what I have realized about myself: I have to get excited. And these are the things that really get me excited: Whole Foods, the grocery store, and the fitness section on Pinterest.

Whole Foods is an amazing store. It helps me get excited about cooking healthy because I want to try all these things I've never tried before. I get bored with eating the same thing everyday.

And Pinterest speaks for it's self. How can you not be motivated by seeing all those 6 packs.

For breakfast this morning I had a green smoothie (spinach, kale, coconut milk, banana, and Strawberry, Orange, Banana Juice) and one hard boiled egg and the white of another hard boiled egg.

I did a lower body work out; lunges, squats, calf raises and an ab workout.

And I have a healthy lasagna cooking in the crockpot right now!

My plan is to eat 1200 calories a day. Doing that I will lose 2 pounds a week. That will be 48 pounds by the time we move to Mexico. That is my goal. I'm so excited and so happy.

I'm always looking for the "secret" way to lose weight, the right exercise, the perfect food. But really it's different for every person and the secret is finding out what works for you and to keep trying.

So I realized with me I just need to be excited about whatever I'm doing.

And I just need to stay excited.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Just checkin in! -Taylor

Hey I was just checking in to let you know that I'm still here!  I'm not posting "for real" until Monday when I go back to work!  I will be continuing Insanity and 1200-1500 cals a day!  I'm actually really excited to get back into a "healthy" routine!  Being off work is hard for me b/c I'm home with my kids all day and I get lazy! So here's to a new year and a new me!  See ya on Monday!

off again Brooke

I was doing so good for a few days but messed up yesterday and today. I'm writing this so I can stop an get better right now.

I need to stop using everything as an excuse; Amron at bad, my friends are eating bad, my family is eating bad, and just do it for myself. It doesn't matter what everyone else is doing; I'm an adult and I buy my own groceries.

I can do this, I can do this!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Brooke- Starting Again and Needing Help With Motivation.

Ok!!!!! I'm almost excited again.

Yesterday was my first day and I did great. Perfect actually. I ate 6 small healthy meals. I almost messed up 4 times. Almost as in I ended up in the Sonic Drive-In. So I ordered a water.

I did really good yesterday and really good today so far but I'm having a hard time getting excited about this.

I feel miserable.

How do you stay happy and excited?

I think I really need to sit down and define my goals. I don't really have a plan and I know that will help me. I want to start training for a half marathon. And we are getting family pictures in March so I will need really cute clothes of course. And I know having my goals somewhere where I can see them everyday will help a ton.

I think I also need to get some good music on my ipod. Last night I tried to listen to a book while I ran. Man, it was boring. Any playlists you recommend?

This has been so hard for me. I feel like I really want myself to want it but I don't really want it. But I do! I guess I feel like if I wanted it bad enough I would just do it. And be happy about it.

Any suggestions?