Friday, December 23, 2011

Be careful what you wish for....-Taylor

So obviously I've been WISHING and PRAYING to lose some weight...well BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR!!!!! 
Yesterday morning I was grocery shopping when all of a sudden I felt an over-whelming feeling that I was going to pass out.  So I cut my shopping trip short and went home.  I was thinking I was a little dehydrated so I drank some water and laid down.  That's when it happened....the details are blurry but all I know is from noon to about midnight I puked up every last ounce of liquid in my body...and then some!  I thought it was food poisioning until I started shaking uncontrolably, so I checked my temp and it was 102.4!!!! Yep you guessed it, THE FLU! Ugh it was horrible!  My body literally feels like it was hit by a bus and my muscles are more sore from throwing up then doing a weeks worth of Insanity!  Needless to say I've lost 6 lbs in the last 2 days (I'm not counting it as a "true loss" b/c I know that once I start eating again, it'll come back)
I'm finally feeling a little better and even ate some toast (and kept it down!).  So hopefully "this too shall pass" and just in time for Christmas!!  I'll be spending it in Tucson with my family!  Hope you have a very Merry Christmas!!!!! 


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